Quantum Physics: Sensing Unbroken Wholeness
by Judith Bluestone Polich
Excerpt from Return of the Children of Light, Incan and Mayan
Prophecies for a New World
(pp. 97 -0 101)
COMMENT: In this intriguing look at quantum physics and the nature of the physical world the author explores the break-through concepts of modern science that support the ancient beliefs put forth by eastern and indigenous teachings that we live in a world of illusion. The physical world in fact is both particle and wave and is unified in one interacting whole. The concept that we are "light beings" takes on a clearer meaning through this revelation.
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Sensing Unbroken Wholeness
We may then consider every cell in the human body as a library of information. Each cell is made of molecules, each molecule is made of atoms, and atoms are made of electrons, neutrons, and protons. In connection with Einstein's familiar formula, E=mc2, we have been taught that matter and energy are equivalent, that we can convert energy into matter, and that the energy in a piece of matter is equal to the mass of the matter times the speed of light squared. Thus, even minute amounts of matter represent a lot of energy However, while in the past it was believed that electrons were particles-matter existing at some point in space-now, according to particle physics, electrons are not particles all of the time, but sometimes behave like waves of light. The current consensus is that they are both wave-like and particle-like, as is all matter. In fact, in the world of quantum physics, it seems these elementary "particles" (including electrons) don't really exist at all. What does exist are relationships, correlations, tendencies to actualize from a multifaceted set of potentials. A quantum physicist might say that electrons, like all other subatomic particles, are described by a "probability density state." At this level it is strikingly evident that there may be no objective physical reality at all. What the scientific community once thought was there in the sub-atomic realm and what the educated world was taught to perceive as real simply does not exist.
The new physics tells us that matter may actually be nothing more than a series of patterns out of focus and that subatomic "particles" aren't really made of energy, but simply are energy! The subatomic world of electrons, protons, and neutrons may thus be viewed as patterns of vibration within what Rupert Sheidrake calls a morphogenetic field, an organizing field that underlies a system's structure.
We know we can convert matter into energy. We can burn wood and get heat. We can mathematically determine how much heat we would get from a pile of wood by using Einstein's formula. And the reverse is also true; energy can be converted into matter. For example, high-energy laser light can be observed to produce particle and anti-particle pairs. Cosmic rays, which are highly charged photons of light, have been observed to change form and become matter. Light, X-rays, and radio waves can all be converted back to particles. When their waves are slowed down they attain mass while retaining some wave-like characteristics.Light also can either be considered a wave or a stream of particles. We know that photons carry energy, and that the amount of energy carried by a photon is proportional to the frequency of the light. That is, the higher the wave frequency, the more energy it carries. For example, X-rays and ultraviolet light have high frequency and high energy, while radio waves and infrared waves have low frequency and low energy.
Just as surprising as the apparent ethereal qualities of matter is the fact that it is the observer who brings the possibilities of the micro-world into existence. In experiment after experiment, it has been shown that when the observed function, the wave, interacts with the observing system, the person making the measurement, it changes to a new state. And whether what comes into actuality is a wave or a particle depends solely on the structure of the experiment. One interesting aspect of the apparent dual representative state of matter is that it is not a dual property of the particle, but rather a property of experimental observations. Niels Bohr, who is regarded as the father of quantum physics, pointed out that a particle only becomes a particle when someone is looking at it. The new physics tells us that the observer cannot observe anything without changing what he sees. Moreover, Princeton researchers Brenda I. Dunne and Robert G. Jahn have shown that this concept is not limited to the microworld of quantum interactions. Astonishingly, they have, through a series of well documented experiments, established that our minds, our intent, can alter the outcome of events.
The implications of these findings are far reaching and significant for the world of everyday activity and human interaction. They imply that by our conscious intent we bring into manifestation what we want to perceive-that we can and do shape our reality.
In addition, according to new scientific thought, all matter and we our-selves consist of forms of light. In his book Vibrational Medicine, physician Richard Gerber actually describes all matter as "frozen light," light which has been slowed down and become solid. A quantum physicist would say that light in this context does not slow down-it always moves at the speed of light. Rather the light's photons get absorbed; its energy has been transferred. Gerber points out that atoms are primarily empty space. What fills them, he says, are packets of light that sometimes act as matter.
If our bodies, at least metaphorically, are made of frozen light, they maintain the characteristics of light, which means they have frequency. Matter then may be thought of as light of a higher density. Thus, drawing on the implications of modern physics, we can conclude that human beings are made of light held in matter.
It is important to stress that Gerber's concept of matter as frozen light may not be merely metaphoric. Gerber describes the cellular matrix of the physical body as a complex energy interference pattern, interpenetrated by the organizing bio energetic field of the etheric body. The physical body is therefore an energy field, and the field is made up of segments of vibration. As physicist Max Planck determined, higher frequency light means higher energy light. This concept also applies to what we think of as matter because we now know that all matter, not just quantum matter, also has frequency and thus waves-another scientific revelation that has radically changed the way we see the physical world. Using simple equations, Louis De Broglie discovered the wavelengths of waves that correspond to matter, which are not visible to us. Breakthroughs in quantum physics imply that all matter, including matter that makes up the human body, is itself made up of waves of light. It is therefore interesting to note that many ancient teachings saw humans as engendered by light, as children of light.
The Nobel Prize winning physicist David Bohm has written about what he calls the implicate order of the holographic universe. This concept suggests that the entire universe is an ever-changing cosmic hologram that is layered with information. Each layer holds a higher order of information and each higher order is enfolded in an aspect of space/time. The higher order may be thought of as consciousness that filters wave-like into form. Because it is a hologram, every segment contains information about the entire universe. Thus, consciousness is indeed in all things. Light is both the medium and the message.
Moreover, Bohm's work in quantum physics suggests that at the subatomic level all points in space are essentially the same, and therefore nothing is actually separate from anything else. This property is called non-locality. Bell's Theorem, developed a few years later by J. S. Bell, a Swiss physicist, provided mathematical proof of non-locality.'0 If we think about locality in terms of the particle behavior of light (a specific point in space), then non-locality can be seen in terms of light behaving as a wave (indistinguishable and interconnected).
What these concepts tell us is that, at the heart of our universe, there are no separate parts to anything, and that everything is connected to everything else. Moreover, they explain how information can be transferred superluminously, or faster than the speed of light. For example, if two photons are non-locally connected, communication between them can be instantaneous because they are not truly separate.
These discoveries from quantum physics have important implications for the evolution of human consciousness predicted by the Andean prophecies. As Bohm states, the world is an "unbroken wholeness"; everything is non-locally interconnected. We need to learn to perceive holistically because our world and the entire universe is actually interconnected. It is erroneous to continue to perceive our world as a conglomeration of separate, unrelated parts. In light of emergent scientific principles, the Cartesian world view is decidedly misleading.
Moreover, this holistic way of perceiving the world mirrors the teachings of ancient people such as the Inca. Buddhist and Hindu teachings have long told us that everything is energy dancing in form, and that the dance is a continuous weaving of the form and the formless. Now research from the frontiers of science is telling us the same thing.
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