Inspirational Writings  

It is in the shared experience of our humanity that we can foster the awareness of our unity.  Honor the diversity of knowledge and we honor the the breadth in which humanity expresses its divinity.

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Yoga Philosophy - Guidelines for Life
From The Yoga Sutra,   by Patanjali (circa 200 A.D.)

"The Four Agreements,"  by Don Miguel Ruiz
"Re-Collecting Ourselves, Ending the Projection of Our Shadow Upon Others", by Debbie Ford.  Excerpts from The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

"Quantum Physics: Sensing Unbroken Wholeness", by Judith Bluestone Polich

"Seven Guides For Success and Seven Responses to Life's Challenges," by  Deepak Chopra
Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)"    A Desiderata for the '90s.
"Children's Letters to God," A lighter view of what kids  learn from adults about God.
"International Prayers for Peace," from Emissaries of Light, by James F. Twyman
"The Refinement of Essence, An American Indian Insight into Life as a Spiritual Experience." Excerpt from Lightningbolt, by Hyemeyohsts Storm
Excerpt from The Stare-Borne: A Remembrance for the Awakened Ones by Solara
"The Hundredth Monkey," An essay on quantum change and the collective consciousness
"10 Bulls,"  Zen Buddhist Wood Prints
"Steps for Contributing to the New Consciousness", from Conversations with God, Book Two by Neal Donnald Walsch
The Heart of Buddhism: The Four Noble Truths and Eight-Fold Path
The Beatitudes of Jesus Christ
The Desiderata
"Symptoms of Inner Peace,"  by Saskia Davis
"On Marriage and Children," by Kahlil Gibran
"Creating a Loving Marriage,"  by William J.D. Doran

"The Rainbow People  A Child's Introduction to Understanding the Meaning of Life" by William J.D. Doran     




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